Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sleepless night at 32 weeks

I'm *almost* to 32 weeks (2 more days) and therefore almost "safe".  By "safe" I mean that 98% of babies born at 32 weeks survive with less risk of serious lasting medical conditions, particularly if they're twins because twins develop faster than singletons...or so my various research tells me.  Not that I want to give birth early or anything, but it is nice to feel a little closer.  At 32 weeks we'd still have to transfer to a hospital with a NICU, so the next benchmark is 34 weeks...when we can actually deliver at our hospital of choice.  In a bed, not an OR.  Naturally...hopefully.

So why am I awake?  Well, it could be because it's hotter than Hades tonight.  Our scheduled construction projects are running dangerously late, and we still have all of our vents sealed off to prevent dust and dirt from getting into our vents.  That means no air conditioning, and it was 97 today.  Of course that's not really why I'm awake.  Today we went and bought a portable air conditioner for our top floor that never gets cool enough anyway.  We set it at 60 and managed a temperature closer to 70, the thing hasn't stopped running since we turned it on.  Looks like it's going to have to be replaced with a bigger better model.  I'm currently sitting downstairs though, and the thermometer reads 81.  Warm for sure, but not dangerous.

No, I'm really awake because I feel completely unprepared.  The house is in pieces, I can't find anything in the kitchen (half of my dishes are in boxes due to cleaning out the dining room for construction) and all of my clothes, nursery items, and other belongings are currently strewn about the floor in our top floor bedroom as we await our contractors return to finish the nursery and our bedroom.

Also, I've been delaying shopping for the rest of my baby goodies until after the shower.  I knew there'd be a lot to buy, and I just didn't want to duplicate anything.  Now I'm trying to figure out exactly what I still need....except everything is so disorganized I have no idea what I do or don't need.  Hard to do when everything is in scattered about or in bags and boxes. 

While looking up a suggested list of items, I ran across a new baby checklist, and realized I have even more to think about.  Actually I've done pretty well for the past 7 months (the only items I haven't done on the list: begin a journal, take pregnancy pictures, try prenatal yoga).  Not bad really.  I do wish I'd taken more belly pictures, but there's only so much you can do.  But the list of things to think about is pretty long.  Still to do? (keep in mind that I should be done with all of month 8 things to do)

Month 7

  • Have baby clothes and necessities ready (well I have some, but not really sure what sizes, if I really have all I need for the first 2 months)

Month 8

  • Pack your bag (well, I've thought about it, but no progress there)
  • Shop for and learn how to install your car seat (s).
  • Put together a family first aid kit. 
  • Buy your diaper bag, and stock up on diapering essentials.  (I have no idea what type of bag I want...I've been looking and don't like anything I've seen so far)
  • Buy a high chair. (can't this wait a little while?  I know I want 2 matching Ikea high chairs)
  • Build your email/phone tree for sharing the birth of your baby! (hadn't even thought of this yet)
  • Have your husband check to see if he's eligible for paternity leave. (we think he doesn't get any time free, other than vacation, but still, I wonder if he's prepared them for being gone a while?)
  • Shop for a nursing bra. 

Month 9

  • Study up on newborn vaccines and find out what's best for your baby. (well, I've heard mention of a "delayed vaccine schedule, but that's the amount I know about vaccines...interestingly enough picking a pediatrician is not on this list, and I have scheduled 3 interviews.  One farther away, but both an MD and Natreopath, one nearby, but likely pretty traditional, and one kind of in the middle (both ways).)
  • Pick out your baby announcements and thank you notes. (And address those envelopes now since time will be at a premium soon!)
  • Buy a baby sling or baby carrier. (well, I have one wrap, but I know I want 2 slings too, one for each of us)
  • Prepare yourself for labor and delivery.  (according to Bradley classes, we should be practicing labor drills daily by, yeah, not really on top of that right now)
  • Wash and put away your babies new clothes. (well, soon, I suppose, as soon as I can put things in the nursery)
  • Prepare for the weeks after you give birth. (how? I guess I could prepare food ahead of time and have lots of food in the freezer)
  • Relax and enjoy the last days before delivery! (not there yet, but looking forward to it)
So what's my immediate plan?  Well, figure out what things I have and what I need.  Buy nursing stuff, like tops and bottles (I've been told to hold off on the pump until 3 weeks postpartum because a) I shouldn't use it until then and b) if the babies are born early I could need a hospital grade rental if I need to supplement their nursing with extra breast milk (via syringe in the side of their mouth).) Pack a bag, put together a call list for people who don't use Facebook :) (like my father and aunt in Texas), and pretty much work through the Bradley birth class book again...oh, and buy a few more books that people have suggested (and find time to read them).  Right, and get some sleep. 

Really I should work on that last bit now.