Sunday, July 29, 2012

False Labor

Sometime during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics I felt the first pulls.  Almost like a back pain that decided to wrap around my waist to create a band of construction, I was sure they were contractions.  The first was so mild I paid it no real mind, but then I had another one two hours later, and then again another hour or so later.  I downloaded an app that keeps track of these things, and soon enough I was having contractions every 40 minutes.  We decided to go to bed because obviously they weren't really strong or close together, but we thought we'd need our sleep for the next day.

On Saturday I woke up and they were still coming on.  Not really horribly painfully, but uncomfortable, and more regular.  My husband went alone to a wedding we had finally decided we would be able to make after all, and RSVP'd on Thursday before all of this.  He skipped the reception though.  I was still just hanging out at home, every 30 minutes to an hour having a contraction.

We'd had a friend over Friday before the opening ceremonies, and having a real live baby in our house had been a little bit of a wake-up call for me.  I realized that I would really need to get a few more things done before I'd want infants to crawl around downstairs.  Like, say, clean the floors more and at least close up holes in the baseboards and floor...  She drove, and I loved her car.  So much so, that I decided as a distraction that we should go look at the Subaru dealership.  Honestly, I might have to give up on my small car idea.  Looking at the gear she carried for a one hour visit, I wondered what we'd do if we had to try to fit it all into the Yaris, times 2.  My husband, amazingly, agreed.  He said something like we might be able to trade his car in!!! (WOO HOO)

So we went to the dealership, with me thinking I was in early stage labor, and test drove a Forester and an Outback.  Our friend had the Forester, and I liked it, but we both liked the Outback a little more, although for no clear definitive reason.  Not that we're buying one this second, but the idea exists for once the dust settles after the babies come home.  Our other idea is a Jetta Wagon (ideally TDI, but not sure if the price is right...). 

Anyway, we hit a few bumps in the road on the way home, and contractions, although mild, started coming every 10 minutes.  Now I was really starting to think things were coming along.

By the time it was bedtime they weren't really any stronger.  Again we thought we'd get our sleep and wake up prepared for the morning.  But overnight, they stopped.  Nary a one today.  We didn't do anything to induce or speed along labor, considering it's still only 37 weeks and we thought we'd just take it as it was.  If they come back and are more painful we'll try all the natural induction methods we can think of, after we hit 38 weeks.  I don't really want to rush them out really, although I would LOVE for them to be out now.  Really, I'm pretty disappointed that it was only false labor.

But we have a pretty packed week this upcoming week, including a visit to the vet about my sick cat.  I'd love to make it through that appointment with him to see if the medicine is helping or not...he does seem to feel better, but that doesn't mean his life is in any way prolonged.  If the babies come before then my mom will take him, but this particular cat is extremely attached to me, and I'm hoping not to stress him out too much in one week!

So we're back to the humdrum experience of waiting.  We've planned our meals for the week and finished the laundry (still not really up for scrubbing floors) so there's not much we really HAVE to do (until we have all of the appointments next week anyway). So we wait, and wait, and wait :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Decisions Decisions

So today I found out that my previous position is re-opening with a 20 hr/week contract.  They'd like me back, and sound pretty amenable to waiting until January for me to come back.  I'd always thought I'd want to be a full time stay at home mother, but I'm seriously considering it. Why?  Well, here are a few good reasons...are they good enough?

1)  If I did work 20 hrs/week I would be able to divide it into 3 days with 6 hrs/day plus 2 hours on another day (and hubby could watch the babies those 2 hours, great for father-son time).  The location of the workplace is about 5 minutes away, and I would split my time up, 9-12, 1:30-2:30, 5-6 or something similar based on kid routine and class schedules.  Ideally the afternoon time would be during nap time. I don't think I'd be away so much that I wouldn't be able to be a very involved parent.  I'm not even sure if I'd need to pump breast milk because I'd be around during feeding times (by the time I'd start work the kiddos would be about 6 months old, and hopefully on a pretty stable eating schedule?)

2)  If I did this, I would get a part time au pair.  The cost would almost eat up the entire amount of my earnings, BUT there'd be some significant benefits.  First, I would want a German speaking au pair so that more German would be introduced at an early age (and hopefully with a proper accent, my husband's region is renowned for their difficult to understand accent).  Second, au pairs do some of the cleaning up, so I would have help keeping the house clean and the diapers washed.

3)  Pin money, or so regency novels call it.  Even though it wouldn't be much, I'd earn enough money to have a little extra spending money each month, when otherwise our budget will feel pretty tight. We're talking less than $400, but that's $400, help with housekeeping, and a German tutor.

4)  Career wise, I wouldn't have a huge break away from work, and I'd be doing something I love.  It's close by, and I think having a routine would actually help me organize my time better and get more done.  I've learned from experience that having time away from work doesn't automatically mean I'll start learning to make cheese or any other project I haven't completed yet, and I'm sure kids will make it even harder.  To do the things we love to do, we just have to schedule it in and make it a priority. 

The drawback to all of this is that I wouldn't get to be a full time stay at home mom.  In the back of my mind, at some point when the kids get used to a routine I've been hoping I could become an urban homesteading mama, but realistically, would I be that disciplined anyway? 

Of course this is all moot if a) they don't agree to my hours/start date and b) I can't find a German au pair that wants to work part time.

What do you think...too soon to decide?  Will my thoughts change when I've got two babies in my arms? Decisions, decisions....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Freezer Crockpot Meals

I finally got around to it! A while back I discovered a site on pinterest that included make ahead meals. Considering we will have little time in the next few months, it seemed like a good idea. Through links and surfing I discovered the original author who based her recipes off of Nourishing Traditions, a cookbook/ideology I happen to really agree with. Sooo, why not give it a go? I did two recipes, Thai Chicken Curry and Stephanie's Goulash. Both recipes come from an online ecookbook sold by the author of the blog Mama And Baby Love. All in all, I think I spent about $50 for both recipes, but each recipe is supposed to make enough for 4 meals for a family of 4. One recipe called for beets (blech!) so I'm not sure how many meals that recipe will make for us since I left them out of the mix. It took about 2 hours to prep everything and clean up, but then I move pretty slow right now. I could easily see this going faster if you're working with a food processor or if you're listening to upbeat music in the background. I have no idea how the food will taste considering we haven't actually cooked one of them yet. According to instructions, the food doesn't need to be thawed before sticking it in the crockpot. You bake the food for 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low and then add garnishes or last minute ingredients (like sour cream for the goulash). As far as ingredients go, I bought almost all of the vegetables at the local farmers market or they came in my CSA box. I did have to buy red bell peppers and the meat at Trader Joes (nobody at the farmers market had just what I needed meat-wise anyway). Still, I think $6.25 a meal is a pretty good deal if they turn out alright. That's only about $1.50 per person! I'll add pictures later, although I can say now it looks just like what you'd think it would look like...gallon sized ziplock bags filled with meat and veggies. They really do stack well in the freezer if you lay them on their side and squeeze the air out.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Full Term!

Well, I've officially made it!  The magic 36 weeks where apparently twins are fully mature for delivery.  I remember that originally I was pretty set on lasting as close to 40 weeks as possible, but I've had a change of heart.  ANY TIME NOW.  Really, ANY TIME. 

While we're not 100% ready, I'm feeling much more prepared.  Things are washed and put away, the house is no longer under construction.  My bag, while not entirely packed, has a few ready to go items that I won't have to worry about.

I'd still like to make some make-ahead meals and there's a chance I'll do that this weekend.  Then again, there's a chance I will fall back asleep and ignore my to do list.  If I DO end up making freezer crock pot meals, I'll be sure to blog about it.  In the mean time, we're just hanging out waiting for a birthday to come along :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

34 Weeks, Crazy Cat, Raspberries and more

At our most recent ultrasound the doctor estimated that the babies were 5 pounds each!  I've been planning on 36 weeks rather than 38, because it seems like I can't get much bigger, but he seemed to think I'd last longer.  Soooo, I'm thinking I'll have pretty good sized twins pretty soon.

Meanwhile one of my cats has gone a bit mental. Perhaps it's the latest construction (drywalling the living room ceiling) or just the fact that babies are on the way, but he has gone seriously weird of me.  Hiding, peeing and pooping in places he shouldn't be, avoiding the other cats, constantly grooming himself, etc.  Finally we took him to the vet, who told us it was a behavior issue.  Yes, he has early kidney disease, but none of the behaviors suggested pain, just mental anxiety.  So we just sit around and hope that it'll get better as soon as the ceiling is finished and the babies are out.

I'm no longer working.  Thank goodness because I spend a lot of time sleeping.  You'd think I'd spend more time working on the garden or fixing up the house, but no.  My iron is probably still low.  That's okay, the garden, while not exactly free of weeds, is still doing a pretty good job.  You should see the size of my garlic this year!

No really, you should SEE this garlic!

Our raspberries are doing well again this year.  This shot was taken AFTER my husband already picked a pint of raspberries and claimed there were "just a few more to pick..."  We also had a bunch of Beach Plums this year.  Okay, by a bunch, I mean a pint, but it was enough to make a little jelly... Also notice the peas that are buried under the raspberries.

I'm about ready to pick the cabbage too, although I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it.  I could shred it and freeze it for cole slaw later, try to ferment it into sauerkraut (yuck, but Gerd would like it), or stuff cabbage leaves with rice and meat and freeze the cabbage roles for later, or I could see if it can be preserved some other way, like in the sandbox.  All options seem to require work, therefore the cabbage is still safely in the ground :)

Other than that, we've harvested scapes, and I've got some zuchini ready to pick, along with a few cherry tomatoes (we thought we hadn't planted zuchini, but turns out I didn't plant squash).  Cucumbers are growing too, along with onions, potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts, and celery (I have no idea when to pick that...). 

We're really looking forward to grapes this year.  No idea when they'll turn ripe, but the vine is awfully pretty on our arbor!

There's really not enough of anything to sustain us this year, so I've been going to the local farmers market more than in past years, and I've signed up for a CSA this year. I get to pick up the veggies at our local specialty foods store, American Provision, which is about 4 blocks away from us.  We're keeping our regularly delivered box of organics, but have changed it to a 100% fruit box.  I think it's going to be a good summer for food.  Lets see what happens to it all with babies in the mix :)