Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have very thin skin. Rather, I should say my ego is fragile. I did not get a job I applied for, and to explain the whole thing is both too complex and painful to go into right now, but basically I'm feeling a bit like a complete failure right now. I really miss being good at something. I miss people having confidence that I will do something well. I miss feeling like I have talent at something. Parenthood is not exactly an ego booster. Self doubt, lack of sleep, and unexplained bouts of crying don't exactly make me feel like supermom. But as a parent I have a new vantage point. How would I want my children to see me take failure, and how do I want them to deal with disappointment. I'm still processing all of that, so I'm not sure of the answer. For now though, perhaps failure is an opportunity. I can consider how a person should overcome a mistake, and work on that a little before my twins are old enough to need some advice. As for jobs, perhaps one lesson I can learn is to forget about being good at anything. I'm probably going to feel bad at everything I do. I'm sticking with the idea of just continuing to do the things I like to do, and maybe that will take me somewhere someday.