Wednesday, May 14, 2014

And we may actually get to move.

We were astounded when we got a cash offer $27,000 above list price the first week our house was listed. We knew, however, that the numbers would come down after an inspection. In a house this old, there's just stuff.  We've done as much as we could, but there's always more to do. However, dropping the price $22,000 after the inspection was a bit steep. Gerd wanted to call the entire deal off, although I'm just really (over-ready) to move on. I hope the new owners find a better contractor though, because I think their quote is way, way over the actual cost.  If I had it to do over again, I would have a) gotten a second opinion from another structural engineer (his words changed from the inspection to the report, to our disadvantage) and had a few contractors give quotes before listing the house. Wih everything going on, it just didn't happen, and I think we're probably loosing $10,000 because of it. In the end though, we will still make out alright (not quite as alright, which eliminates central air from the budget) and we will get to move to a house that I really like. I hope it's a good decision, I feel completely incapable of good decisions right now. 

In addition to the whole non-pregnancy thing, we have had sick kids, a tumble down the stairs, and now I'm sick. One more work day until the weekend, so hopefully theraflu does the trick until then.  I don't even want to think about packing and moving. My in-laws are coming the week before our closing, so that's another thing on my plate, getting ready for their visit (although of course it will be good to have them, and I think they'll be helpful when they get here). I have moments of pure joy that this is such a sweet time in my life, and then moments of extreme stress and unhappiness with all that is happening in such a short time period. I am *really* looking forward to being settled in, and hopefully happy. As much as I really love my job, I am looking forward to some time off so that I can focus on everything that is on my to do list. It's just all so overwhelming right now. Change used to be so easy for me, now I suck at it. I am not rolling with the punches.  More like collapsing in bed. Let's hope this summer is a new season of all good things. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Maintenance Account

I know it's just not done to talk about budgets, but since I have no filter anyway, and this is a pressing concern, I'm going to do it anyway. 

After this latest round of craziness, I've been left feeling frumpier, older, and just generally less happy with my appearance. Pre-pregnancy I was within 10lbs of my pre-pre-pregnancy weight. With hormones and a ton of chocolate, I've managed to bring that up another 10lbs. Those 10lbs really show. I was telling myself that it would go away naturally, but I think what I really need is to start taking better care of myself. 

I still have 4 punches left on my gym card, so if I can find a good time to work out for the next month, I'm covered for the month, but I need more than a 1x a month gym excursion to get my mind, body, and spirit back in shape. 

So, the perpetual list maker, I made a list.  Each month, I need or would like:

An appointment with my counselor (not covered by insurance, $140/session)
A weekly visit to the gym (new gym near my house is $45/month, great price!)
For the summer, a personal trainer to get me back into the swing of things (same gym has a great deal, 8 weeks membership plus 6 one on one 1/2 hour sessions for $195, and includes nutritional counseling and plans) (future deals are $45/ 1/2 hour session or $/35 if you commit to 6 months, if I can find or be placed with a partner it's $30/$25 for the same, I'm really hoping I could go down to 1x a month and fit it into the budget, if for no other reason than accountability)
A haircut. (maybe $60 with partial highlights at e cheapest place around, theoretically I could go every 6 weeks and make it work into a monthy budget better, but I think right now I need a routine) 
New clothes (even working out, my stomach is just different, and it turns out my body shape turns to an apple shape, not terrible, but the belly is there. I need to find more attractive clothes until I can get back to lean, I'm thinking a $50/month budget for 1-2 discount outfits or shoes for a few months, and maybe more when I actually look better). 

The problem here is that I added it all up and I'm at $500 in maintenance costs. Right when we are taking on a larger mortgage and going back to two cars...And I have no income over the summer...

We are offsetting some of the cost by canceling cable (google chrome here we come) getting solar panels through a leasing company (no up front cost and a lower monthly rate for electricity) and reducing our nanny's hours over the summer (she watches another chic during the summer, so we will only get her once or twice a week to reinforce German). 

Our costs are set to increase by $500/month without my personal improvement plan. 
Nanny costs will reduce from $1400/month to around $700/month for the summer
I already have a personal budget of around $250/month for me (which includes counseling and breakfast out on days I work). 
We have been managing to save around $1000/month prior to the costs associated with selling a house. 

I'm never great at math, and this Makes my head hurt! I'm looking for ways to cut back my maintenance plan, but without spending money on stuff like that one of two things happens. A) I end up spending the money anyway (I'm not very good at staying dedicated to my budget) or B) I end up in a rut until I decide I need to do something for myself, and then I go on a binge of self care...

So there you go. Accountability in its infant form. It's a work in progress. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Sad news at I've been avoiding writing. After a month of waiting through multiple appointments, the results are in. No new baby. Still moving to a new house though. No heart to say more right now. It's a mixed bag of emotions, but generally speaking I'm doing alright. looking forward to some change. We will miss our house, but the lure of solar panels and a garage is calling my name.