Monday, January 19, 2009

My Mind is a Meat Grinder

Recently Gerd has been complaining that I keep bringing up the same unanswerable topic daily and it's starting to get on his nerves. Logically I have to submit resumes to Ireland, Boston, and New Mexico, but there are things I can do to make easier when we do move. Like get certified in elementary, middle school, or adult education. Or apply for ESL certification. The problem with this is...everything costs money. Every test is at least $100, and the later I register the more money it costs. Massachusetts test begin at $200 and go up to $500 (for one additional certification).

In New Mexico I need to take the elementary test ($89) submit a license request ($25) and submit a request for ESL certification (another $25 plus possibly another $89 test).

In Massachusetts I need to find a job, but they're even worse about tests. I should be certified 7-12 History and Language Arts. Problem is, I've taken only 1 of the 4 tests to get that far. Each test is $200 (when you register on time) I would need 6-8 History, 5-8 Language Arts, and 7-12 Language Arts to match my current certification in New Mexico. That doesn't even take into account the possibility of ESL (another $200) or adult education (another $200).

If I knew what I could teach in Ireland (100 euro charge for review) I could tailor my next move to best lead up to a good job. To have a review of transcripts done I have to get all official transcripts, three letters of reference, and all of my paperwork to Ireland. Since I don't have an Irish address, this becomes even more difficult because if I'm missing anything I don't know how I'll hear about it, although I think I'm possibly making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.

It's definately the first step, but of course everyone is closed today for MLK day.

So I keep asking where we're going to be, and, still there's no resolution. The thing is, my mind is one of those meat grinders. It keeps grinding and grinding, and the less there is to grind, the more it grinds the same thing over and over again. I need something new to grind. I don't mean to drive Gerd crazy, I just can't seem to stop grinding the same subject to smithereens.

I think the plan is to volunteer somewhere. Maybe that will give me something else to think about. I can still submit paperwork, but I've got to do something before I go completely insane.


BriteLady said...

hah! Sounds like us lately. We're shopping for Kindergartens for Char, which is a pain since her birthday is after the state cutoff date (so we're shopping private $chools).

And then my hubby's potentially changing companies, except he hasn't been interviewed yet and there's the potential for issues with non-competes with his current company.

And if he changes jobs, it will likely have a ripple effect on my own job (since I currently carry our exceedingly important health insurance, but his new job could possibly take that over, which leaves me multiple options for how much and/or where I work).

So, in 6 months I have no idea where we'll be working, or where our kids will go every day or if we'll be making more or less money or just the same.

And I have no way to plan ahead for any of those possibilities because there are too darned many possible outcomes that I don't know whether to spend or conserve either money or free time or both!

God grant me the serentiy to accept the things I cannot change...
...and the patience to wait until I find out what those things are!

Bethany said...

I had to change my post, Gerd didn't like to be publicized. Anyway, sounds like you're in a "transitional time" too (as described by my counselor in an attempt to get me to relax and be gentle on myself).

I hope Merl gets his job, I'll be rooting for you.