I can't exactly figure out what I want to do. There are tons of things I should do, and know I'd enjoy doing, but I can't get myself to want to do anything right now.
I don't want to clean my house. It's mostly tidy, but there's room for improvement. I really should tidy my desk and mop the downstairs.
I don't want to go skiing. Usually I like skiing, but this hacking cough won't go away, and I just don't feel like intentionally going out and getting cold.
I don't feel like shopping. I should go pick up some bread and milk, but I would need to walk to the store. It's actually a beautiful day outside, so I shouldn't mind the walk. I don't really want to spend money. Since I don't have a job I'm trying to be especially frugal.
I don't feel like sewing. I have a quilt I've been working on for about a year and the time to do it. When I think about pulling out the sewing machine all I think about is the fabric all over the place.
I don't feel like cooking. Yesterday I went on a cooking rampage and made biscuits and an experimental soup (that turned out more like a tomato based version of mac and cheese). I made homemade ice cream and waffles. I'd like to make homemade bread but so far I've failed all previous attempts and don't really feel like failing again right now.
I don't feel like reading. I have three books I'm in the middle of reading and not one of them appeals right now.
I don't feel like exercising. I know I need to, and I even enjoy a good workout, but I have no drive to go put on workout clothes and go to the gym, or do something at home.
I don't feel like applying for more jobs right now. I spent almost all day yesterday updating my resume and forwarding it on to different school districts. Each district has a different online application system, so I spent hours updating the same fields for different jobs...
Even though it's nice outside, I just want it to be spring, and warm enough for me to work in my garden or ride a bike. But since that's not an option, shouldn't I feel like doing something?! I have all these options, and the time to do them, but I'm just apathetic today. What the heck is wrong with me?! When I have a job all I want is time to do all of the things I've just listed. In addition, I don't want to sleep, eat, watch TV, play games, or go to the library. I've tried to think of ANYTHING that would tweak my interest, and I can't.
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