Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally Got a Job

I finally got a long term substitute position. I flew back from Colorado, slept two hours, and then interviewed for the position and started that day. I've been frantic catching up with grading, lesson planning, and website design since.

Tomorrow is my first day teaching my own lesson plans (the students were reviewing and testing until then).

So, I guess life's good.

While I'm ecstatic to have have a job, I thought I'd be less anxious about the temporary part of the job. But I'm still anxious. Ah well, somehow I'll be forced into relaxing about the future.


BriteLady said...

Congrats on the job! Funny how nothing happens for a long time, and then it pours, huh.

Get some rest. I'm sure you'll do great. And this ought to give you a little breathing room for deciding future plans (or a potential opportunity for a permanent position down the road?)

Bethany said...


Life is good. With any luck I'll do well enough they'll want me another year...

I love this school. Even if I don't get hired next year I'll be a better teacher for having worked here.