Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Search Continues

While it's not completely impossible to find another teaching job in Boston, it's probably unlikely. On the off chance someone actually will read my online application, I've submitted my resume with supporting documents to the Newton school district, that has one social studies position open.

Right now I see only 3 positions within an hour drive of Boston, and Newton is one of them. One is a middle school position, which I haven't taken the test for yet, so I may submit the application, but chances there are slim. The other position is in Marblehead and I intend to gather everything together at work tomorrow during my prep and print, because they don't have an online application procedure and I have to mail everything in.

Besides positions within the public schools I've also submitted my resume for an adult education GED program. I volunteered for a while at a program down the street and did enjoy the work. I'm not sure if I'd want a lifetime of it, but I've got to say it was definitely less stressful.

If I don't get a job Gerd thinks I should go back to New Mexico for the year. I don't know what I want to do. On one hand the familiarity of my old school district could be good. I could have a solid year of teaching and get a level 2 license which transfers better to other states AND I could submit a packet for national certification. Of course I could do that anywhere, but I've got a guaranteed position and tenure so it would be easier in New Mexico.

On the other hand, there's no way Gerd would get a job in New Mexico. I've been looking, and it's nearly impossible, especially at his level. We'd have to have a long distance relationship, and while I've asked him to coordinate two long weekends a month, which he thinks he can do, it would still be rough. Granted I'd have Thanksgiving break, Christmas Vacation, and Spring Break to break up the year, plus it's only 10 months total, which is less than people have to deal with in Iraq.

But still, given a choice, do I choose my job over staying near my fiance? He thinks it's worth my sanity to have a bit of financial stability...I had a rough time being unemployed. Plus he says he could look for work nearer Albuquerque and I could follow him when he finds a job nearby.

What I do know is that Boston's a tight market for a teacher, and I don't like the competitive nature of the market. I'm competing with students who have graduated from master's programs at Tufts, Boston University, Harvard, and many other colleges in the are. Plus, while I love Boston, Gerd isn't sure he loves it here. He was looking forward to moving to Colorado. Unfortunately it's probably too late to get licenced for the upcoming school year and find a job. I'll still send in my licnesure packet, but I know how slow education departments work. Understaffed with too many applicants, the licensure department never has enough time to process all the paperwork.

So I'm back to square one. Maybe I'll get a job here...wouldn't that be great. Or maybe I'll chose proximity over security...I could always substitute teach. Or maybe I'll go back to New Mexico for the year and earn a whole bunch of frequent flyer miles. I have no idea what I'm going to do.


BriteLady said...

I don't envy your choices. I've never lived apart from my husband except for the odd month or two of travel with my first job--that was with flying home every weekend. I had a job offer out of college--in Boston, oddly enough--and gave it up in favor of staying close by (and because I knew NO ONE in Boston...I admit to a fear of going into the unknown alone).

My husband's sister, on the other hand, had a long distance marriage for over 2 years when she started medical school in Iowa while her husband was teaching high school in Illinois. That began about 2 months after the wedding. They had educational schedules, so weekends and holidays, etc, and SIL was a couple of miles from her husband's extended family. Once she got into rotations, she could arrange some blocks of time near home, but it was tough for them. They worked hard at keeping their relationship together and staying connected, and are quite happy now, but I doubt either one would recommend the process if you had a choice.

Good luck with the decision. I vote for applying everywhere you think might be a possibility, including the "fallback" plans. And then cross your fingers for getting multiple offers and not being forced into one path because it was the only one open.

Bethany said...

Well, we have more than one plan.

I could afford not to work. I have no debt, my house can be rented or sold. Gerd makes enough to support us both...but I went a bit crazy last time I didn't have a job.

I can go back to New Mexico. I have friends there, and a house. It could work for a year because I would be on an education schedule.

The question is, is my mental state going to be better if I'm employed but separated from my boyfriend OR better off unemployed but with my boyfriend.

I'm applying everywhere, including nearby private schools that are outside of Massachusetts (since they don't require state certification) I've got applications into options that aren't teaching.

But the fact remains, 4 months ago when I was looking for a job, not even the temp agency could find something for me...even as a secretary or basic file clerk.