In an effort to NOT have a car in Boston, and therefore NOT get two ticket in a row NEXT WEEK I figured out how to get to my new farm job by commuter rail and bike. It's not that bad, at least not right now while it's still pretty warm outside.
It takes a 5 minute bike ride to the commuter rail station or a 15 minute walk, then 30 minutes on the commuter rail itself, then bike 15-20 minutes or walk 45 minutes. Best case scenario 50 minutes, worst case scenario 1.5 hours. Seems a bit long, BUT the commuter rail has free wifi so I can check my mail and surf the web AND I get a workout (some of those hills take a bit of effort).
Today I learned how to use a seeder (not too complex) mixed grain feed for various animals, weeded three rows of lettuce, went on a quest for ripened squash, chased chickens into a hen house, got a turkey off of the roof of the turkey house, fed the goats, sheep, cows, chickens, and bunnies, and as I was leaving I took some raw goat milk home to try. I'm not sure if it'll make butter (but I'll give it a try).
Tonight I'm going to make zucchini bread from one of the misshappen, up for grabs, slightly wilted section of the farm stand, do laundry (seriously need to do laundry now) and fall into bed. I DEFINITELY need work clothes. Even my cats aren't really sure what I smell like.
But all in all one productive day. This was a volunteer day and tomorrow will be my first day with students. Apparently we inherit 17 seniors in an AP environmental science class for the day. Their teacher wants us to give them something memorable enough for them to refer back to for the entire school year. I'm not sure yet what that will be, but someone suggested mucking out the chicken pen. I'm guessing that would be pretty memorable for an 18 year old.
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