Who decided NaNoWriMo should be in November? I know that's just an excuse, but I've decided I'm in over my head.
I made it to a little under 9,000 words, which is far more than I've ever pieced together before, and I have a good idea of how to continue and where to go from there.
If only November wasn't so crazy. I got back from the grandparents house November 5th, had a conference November 7th, worked on the farm on Monday, go to Houston to visit my father this Friday to Monday, Go to Turkey Day at the farm on Tuesday and have to get ready for the in-laws to come the following Monday. The in-laws will be here until December 7th, so I'm guessing my personal time is going to be scarce.
And yes, I know I'm just throwing out excuses and that everyone else has busy lives too, but as I get further and further behind, it seems to me like this may have been an ill conceived plan.
But two things did come out of this. First, I want to finish my book, so I'm playing around with some other self-imposed deadline (maybe New Years?) to make myself keep on pace. Second, I actually wrote quite a bit (for me) and I was really enjoying writing when I began.
So maybe it's too soon to entirely throw in the towel, I want to continue writing, but somehow knowing I'm not going to reach my original goal is sapping me of my motivation. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll get up and whiz through 10,000 words (probably not).
Maybe I should make a different word goal by the end of the month? I hate starting something and then failing to finish, but it's an all to familiar path for me.
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