I'm a proud owner of a Christmas tree. The in-laws left today, guilty sigh of relief there, but before they took off I grabbed my mother-in-law and hauled her off to a Christmas tree farm. It was the first time I've ever cut down a Christmas tree on my own. The owner gave me a very large sickle-like saw and told me to pick one.
There was a light smattering of snow on all the trees and just enough snow on the ground to cover up the earth and make it a white wonderland.
We managed to get the car in my Honda Civic with the help of the farm owner (wrapping a tree in a blanket works miracles) and my mother-in-law and I managed to haul the thing up 4 flights of stairs on our own (my husband was working). Now I've strung the lights, both white lights and chili pepper lights, and I'm waiting for Gerd so I can start hanging all the ornaments.
Normally I'd have multicolored lights (somehow I've always associated pure white lights with snobbery) but it's a tradition in the Ertzgebirge region (where my in-laws come from) to have pure white trees in each house. We compromised and included something from my childhood region...red chili lights.
It's beginning to look a bit like Christmas, and that makes leaving Tucson feel okay again. Life is good.
Sounds like fun. I've never cut my own Christmas tree. 'Course, there's the little problem of month-long allergies if I have a live tree in the house. We "cut" our tree out of the basement storage area every year...
Wait, I have cut down an evergreen. It was a weed in one of my flower beds that hit about 6 foot tall over 2 years (probably more bush than actual tree, and it might have been 3 years before I got annoyed with it crowding out the flowers...), and I spent a couple of hours with a hand saw and a shovel trying to remove it. In pieces :) And I had to shower afterwards to wash off all the oil/pollen/whatever it is that caused my hives. It did smell nice coming down, though.
Happy decorating! The kids and I are getting anxious to put up our own tree. But we have to actually be home for a few hours at a stretch to make that happen!
Spruce trees appear to be one of a handfull of green things I don't appear to be allergic to. I get needles all over the place and swear, every year, that I'll just get a fake one next year, but I never do. I really do like the real ones, even if they are a pain.
This year we ended up with a very different smell. When we got the tree in the car I realized the scent wasn't just tree. Either the neighborhood cats or farm dog had decided to make their territory (Seems to me like they knew a good tree when they saw it). Fortunately a few hours on the deck and a few pieces of burnt incense and we were back in order again.
We cut up last year's tree after Christmas and made it into firewood/fire starter. We're ALMOST through last year's supply. I'm hoping it's all gone before we cut this one up. There's only so much room for a supply of fir needles in a city apartment!
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