Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, our first round of IUI didn't work. Not that I expected it to, but of course I had hope. In reality, we only had a 15% chance of it working anyway. But now that it didn't work, we're faced with choices. Choices spurred by health insurance concerns.

Yes a bill just passed about health care, and in it, somewhere, there's something about ending the practice of caps on funding for treatment. So, I could call our insurance and find out what they're going to do about that, but I'm pretty sure I heard that they have until 2012 to make changes to existing policies.

We could do more IUI, and probably would (or will) if money wasn't a question. But we'll most likely move on to IVF, even though IVF requires me to give myself shots....every day.

So I'm taking a break. It's almost summer time and we've joined a community sailing class (something my husband has wanted to do for years now). I've started running along the bay a few mornings a week. I'd kind of like to go camping and have fun this summer. I'm looking forward to putting together my garden. And if I'm worried about what I can or cannot do (valid or not) it won't be much of a fun summer.

So I'll keep up with acupuncture. I'm getting some additional exercise in the form of running, cycling, and yoga. Perhaps I'll start lifting weights. I'll start my counseling again, and I'll watch my sugar and flour intake (to a certain extent). I'll cook healthy meals and keep taking my vitamins.

But if I have to make appointments to get pregnant I might as well do so when I'm ready. Who knows, there's still that last vestige of hope that I'll get pregnant on my own. It's probably misplaced hope, but I really, *really* hate shots. Come fall we'll make another appointment, but not until then.

In the mean time, the swing set in the back yard, the one that keeps reminding me that I don't have kids, has got to come down.

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