Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Decision Made

Our school is moving. We've known for a while that the move was going to happen, but didn't have dates or locations for the move. We have three weeks to move the school to a building in Dorchester. Oh, and I'm taking vacation one of those weeks.

Actually, two weeks is plenty of time to pack up my room at least. There's not much to pack. But I am a little upset about the room, although I'm trying to keep an open mind. First, we may have to share our room with an evening program. If that's the case, I'm not really thrilled about leaving my printer out. Since we don't have enough computers to go around, right now I use my personal laptop and personal printer rather than try to squeeze into the student computer lab. Also, I'd hoped to set up a reading area with lots and lots of books, maybe even a couch, and an area for coffee. The rooms are supposed to be twice as big as our current place, so I could have room to do a lot.

But my biggest frustration is the new commute. It could be far, far worse. Originally they were talking Jamaica Plain, which is completely out of my way. The traffic is so bad there that we threw it out as a viable option when we were looking at houses. But the location in Dorchester is the lesser of two options (from my standpoint). It's not really close to a T, and commuting will be annoying. I could walk 20 minutes to the T and THEN take a bus,or take a bus, transfer to the T and then walk another 15 minutes, or I could take a bus and transfer to another bus. No matter what I choose the commute will be 45 minutes. It's an hour walk if I just walked, or a 20 minute bike ride. I'm guessing I'll be driving or biking most days. Just when I've been getting used to taking the bus...it's nice to read on my way home.

I guess we'll see how it feels. Maybe 45 minutes won't be so bad, but honestly, transfers are bad. If you miss a bus your commute is so much longer, if it's raining you're out in the rain until the next bus comes, and it's not a solid 45 minutes of just relaxing and reading a book. Sigh. I guess I had it pretty nice for a while, at least I'm still employed.

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