I haven't been sewing a lot lately. I used to sew garb for SCA events, but haven't really gotten into medieval "re-creation" (and recreation) in the Boston area. It just isn't the same without all of my friends nearby and there are SO many things to do.
But I've missed sewing. I thought about trying to sew a normal outfit, but it just didn't pique my interest. I debated finding a sheet and creating something, but it seemed like a major undertaking. But THEN, I found
this blog. I don't care that I'm copying her, it's a great idea. Basically she takes old, out of date dresses and makes them new again.
I can do that!

So I decided to try. Here's the before picture. I wish I'd taken one with the top buttoned all the way up, but I didn't, so you'll have to imagine. It goes all the way up to the top ("military style" my husband says).
I took about 6 inches off the bottom, and wish I'd been a little more careful about the hem... you'll see on the final picture that it's not *quite* even all the way around. Since my hubby didn't like the collar (I didn't mind it really) I decided to change the look a little. It still doesn't lay right, but here's the "during" shot.

I discovered that I needed to take the sides in, and that the armpit area was difficult to get "just so" as I nipped and tucked. I took the leftover hem and made a sash to go around the waist (and subtly hide the hem issues and eliminate the need to take in the pleated waist. And this is what I came out with!

Now, I'll be the first to tell you that it's not perfect, but I'm actually pretty proud of myself. A project that took less than an hour of work to complete. I don't know how this other blogger manages to do this on $1 a day though. My thrift store of choice is great (a lot of already fitting finds to be found actually) but not as cheep at a single buck. I think I paid $3 for the dress, still a pretty good find. Then I needed thread and buttons. The buttons (for some strange reason) were purple and didn't match.
Unfortunately, the only fabric store near Boston is about a 30 minute drive, so the detour took a bit. I ended up buying imitation pearl buttons after about 20 minutes of staring at all the buttons in the store. I paid a little over $5 for the thread and buttons, bringing the whole project to around $8.
I'm still not sure if I should do something to "fancy up" at least one of the shoulders. I've got a bunch of extra fabric so I tried leaves off the shoulder and miniature fabric roses, but mostly it just looked like a blue corsage. Any ideas anyone?
That is really cute! You yourself might notice imperfections but I couldnt tell at all in the photo. I think doing that kind of thing for a buck requires a pre-existing collection of thread and findings, plus a Walmart.
Thank you :) I had fun, and think that it was still a pretty good deal. We think now that Chinatown must have some sort of fabric/trimmings. I definitely plan on trying this again sometime.
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