Monday, January 3, 2011


I don't always write resolutions, but there are a few things I really hope to accomplish this year, so I may as well put them down.

1) Exercise. I'm not just talking yoga, which is much more mind body spirit than it is physical improvement. I want to get back into something that keeps me fit. I don't really want to loose weight (okay, maybe 5 pounds) but I want to feel stronger.

2) Professional Development. I know how to create great lesson plans, so I need to start designing better plans. I'm not going to say I'd given up on planning, but its been a challenge at my job, so I need to pull out the big guns. I want to read more professional literature, and that may include a teacher's book club. In addition I want complete licensure requirements for elementary ed and middle school ed.

3) Home Improvement. The bathroom has to be completed by the end of the year. It just has to.

4) Self Sufficiency. I've tried to move more towards local, and that will be a continuing battle. In addition to local, I want to start trying to grow or make more of the things I would usually buy. This includes work on my garden, extending the season and increasing the varieties of plants grown as well as learning new hobbies such as soap making.

5) Preparedness. This includes work on our budget and retirement accounts, but also includes having a good first aid kit, stocking the pantry, and having cat food and litter before I realize I'm already out.

There are definitely a few things out there that either aren't interesting enough to share or as of yet unthought of. Perhaps I should add editing my blogs before posting. Nahh. Too much work and I'd never get anything done.

Well, time will tell how well I stick to my plan, but I feel better already just having written it down.

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