I was going to get up this morning (early) and start blasting some cleaning music. The house desperately (and I do mean desperately) needs to be cleaned. Like, cleaned after some major construction work cleaned.
I even downloaded some of the music from my childhood to help motivate me. I don't know what other people listened to when they were going up, by my household was entirely contemporary Christian. I had Evie, and Amy Grant, Twila Paris, and Joni Earikson Tada (who I was surprised to find had recently battled breast cancer). This collection of songs might sound like odd choice of accompaniment to cleaning for some, but whenever cleaning day came around (less frequently than it probably should have) the music went on high and we would dust, vacuum, sweep, mop, scour, and tidy until the house was once again spotless.
It was while searching for all this old music that I finally remembered what I read growing up. One of my friends and I were talking about young adult literature, and how I hadn't read Roal Dahl growing up, or many other well known YA authors either. I knew I'd read a lot growing up, but I couldn't remember what. Now I do. I read Christian contemporary authors. Jeanette Oak, the Mandy Series (boy did I love those books!), I read Ruth, and Easter (the fictional stories), and I did read some non-Christian literature like James Michner Books, Alaska and Texas. I also read Clan of the Cave Bear, Madeline L'Engle, and CS Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (which could count as Christian).
I typically wanted my books thick and my characters interesting. I didn't really turn away from Christian fiction until I read one bad book, still can't remember the name, in which God gave up on someone. I put the book down, half unread and never picked up another Christian book again. I did something similar with Danielle Steele a while later, she described, in detail, an abortion. I read a part, then put down the book unfinished and never read another book of hers again. Weird.
But none of this helps with the cleaning, or the cooking (which is actually way more important). I want to cook for the week and I haven't even made it to the store yet. I slept 12 hours last night and then later took another 3 hour nap (who knows if I'll sleep at all tonight). Either this is the medicine or I just really, really needed to catch up on sleep. Since I haven't been sleeping well for a while, I'm hoping this is just a one shot deal, and that tomorrow I'll wake up ready for vigorous activity.
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