Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I would have written this yesterday, on our actual anniversary, but we got home from our "event" late enough that writing wasn't a realistic option.

Two years ago we quietly married and said we'd have a wedding later. My dad said a wedding would be fake, and I was offended. But you know what, he was right. I don't really need a wedding. We have a great life together, and that's what's important.

Maybe one of these days we'll have a party, but if not, I'm okay with that. We're pretty happy together just the way we are.

1 comment:

BriteLady said...

Happy Anniversary!

Frankly, given the amount of work that went into throwing a Wedding with all the trimmings (and how many people were inconvenienced or annoyed at us, and how many things we got "wrong" in someone's eyes), I wish we'd skipped the whole mess and just eloped. The party was fun. The 12 months leading up to it were stressful. Maybe in 20-some years when our daughter decides to get married, she'll agree to just fly to the Carribbean and get it done with (I'm not holding my breath on that one though).

If you wanted to throw a party, no one would find any fault with a big anniversary celebration. But its no requirement if its not something you care to do. A party does not a marriage make :)