Sunday, July 29, 2012

False Labor

Sometime during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics I felt the first pulls.  Almost like a back pain that decided to wrap around my waist to create a band of construction, I was sure they were contractions.  The first was so mild I paid it no real mind, but then I had another one two hours later, and then again another hour or so later.  I downloaded an app that keeps track of these things, and soon enough I was having contractions every 40 minutes.  We decided to go to bed because obviously they weren't really strong or close together, but we thought we'd need our sleep for the next day.

On Saturday I woke up and they were still coming on.  Not really horribly painfully, but uncomfortable, and more regular.  My husband went alone to a wedding we had finally decided we would be able to make after all, and RSVP'd on Thursday before all of this.  He skipped the reception though.  I was still just hanging out at home, every 30 minutes to an hour having a contraction.

We'd had a friend over Friday before the opening ceremonies, and having a real live baby in our house had been a little bit of a wake-up call for me.  I realized that I would really need to get a few more things done before I'd want infants to crawl around downstairs.  Like, say, clean the floors more and at least close up holes in the baseboards and floor...  She drove, and I loved her car.  So much so, that I decided as a distraction that we should go look at the Subaru dealership.  Honestly, I might have to give up on my small car idea.  Looking at the gear she carried for a one hour visit, I wondered what we'd do if we had to try to fit it all into the Yaris, times 2.  My husband, amazingly, agreed.  He said something like we might be able to trade his car in!!! (WOO HOO)

So we went to the dealership, with me thinking I was in early stage labor, and test drove a Forester and an Outback.  Our friend had the Forester, and I liked it, but we both liked the Outback a little more, although for no clear definitive reason.  Not that we're buying one this second, but the idea exists for once the dust settles after the babies come home.  Our other idea is a Jetta Wagon (ideally TDI, but not sure if the price is right...). 

Anyway, we hit a few bumps in the road on the way home, and contractions, although mild, started coming every 10 minutes.  Now I was really starting to think things were coming along.

By the time it was bedtime they weren't really any stronger.  Again we thought we'd get our sleep and wake up prepared for the morning.  But overnight, they stopped.  Nary a one today.  We didn't do anything to induce or speed along labor, considering it's still only 37 weeks and we thought we'd just take it as it was.  If they come back and are more painful we'll try all the natural induction methods we can think of, after we hit 38 weeks.  I don't really want to rush them out really, although I would LOVE for them to be out now.  Really, I'm pretty disappointed that it was only false labor.

But we have a pretty packed week this upcoming week, including a visit to the vet about my sick cat.  I'd love to make it through that appointment with him to see if the medicine is helping or not...he does seem to feel better, but that doesn't mean his life is in any way prolonged.  If the babies come before then my mom will take him, but this particular cat is extremely attached to me, and I'm hoping not to stress him out too much in one week!

So we're back to the humdrum experience of waiting.  We've planned our meals for the week and finished the laundry (still not really up for scrubbing floors) so there's not much we really HAVE to do (until we have all of the appointments next week anyway). So we wait, and wait, and wait :)


BriteLady said...

Ah the waiting.

With #1 I had an unexpectedly early maternity leave (thanks to a less-than-family-friendly-job) and ended up with very little to do but read books and wash baby clothes. But I was only 35 weeks, and thought I had a full month to wait. Turns out I only had a week to kill (amusingly, I got several house projects done the last 2 days or so before my water broke...I'm a firm believer in that pre-labor burst of nesting energy).

In some ways I'm grateful that with #2 I worked almost up till the end, but I was ready to go by 36 weeks assuming I was likely to be early a second time (nope..hit 39.5 weeks).

I had one bout of "false" labor on a Sunday that started dilating, but then stopped Monday. I decided I was done, just in case my water really did break while I was sitting at work (not something I'd want to inflict upon my co-workers...)

A friend and I took our 2-year olds to the zoo on Wednesday and walked all day, and I had a day full of mild, spaced-out (but regular) contractions. By the middle of the night, I couldn't actually stay in bed and rest. Trystan came Thursday around noon.

Bethany said...

Since I'm really only 37 weeks along, I'm not doing anything to encourage labor, although it's sooo tempting. But you can bet that if I make it to Friday (38 weeks) I will be walking, eating spicy food, climbing stairs more frequently, and going in for another acupuncture session, maybe I'll even scrub the floors (but I've got to tell you, it's darn difficult with a belly this big).

Bethany said...

Since I'm really only 37 weeks along, I'm not doing anything to encourage labor, although it's sooo tempting. But you can bet that if I make it to Friday (38 weeks) I will be walking, eating spicy food, climbing stairs more frequently, and going in for another acupuncture session, maybe I'll even scrub the floors (but I've got to tell you, it's darn difficult with a belly this big).