Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The images on the news are a little too familiar.  A little too much like war. 

I wonder if other countries have this much violence.  I wonder if I should move.  What I can do to keep my children safe.  Where I could go to regain that sense of security I once felt.

I suspect that safety doesn't really exist.  A quote I heard somewhere said something like the following:  the only safety is being strong.  Or something like that.

Basically, you can't prepare for everything...or anything really.  Instead you just have to be strong enough to do what you must do in any given circumstance.

But how do you be strong when someone puts a bomb around the corner? How do you make a good life for a child when violence is just so prevalent around us.  Bullying, school shootings, bombs.  These are all things that I never thought of as a child.  They were things somewhere else. 

But when two explosions go off 2.5 miles from your house, everything seems to be a lot closer than I could ever have imagined.

Sad isn't enough to describe this. Worried, that too.  Overwhelmed is a bit more like it. 

It's just so unreal. So wrong.  So frightening.

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