Thursday, May 21, 2009

Goodbye Seniors

It's the last week of school for the seniors at Bedford High.

I don't remember any antics from my senior year, but I'm guessing, if we had any, there weren't as crazy as this school.

Today, seniors had to walk down the halls holding an underclassman's hand, while riding a broomstick with a sock on their non-dominant hand. The game is called Spoons, and it's like an assassin game. Students get spoons with names on them that they must attack. If they find that student without the "immunity" ie broom, sock, freshman, they can be hit by a spoon and their out of the game.

While technically this is not supposed to interfere with classes (students can only be spooned outside of class hours) somehow the whole school is involved.

My freshmen were late today because they were busy walking their seniors to class on time. My seniors, which I have during one lunch, hung out my window to egg others on to spoon one another.

One of my seniors duck taped his broom between his legs so he wouldn't have to carry it. The whole thing is pretty funny to watch.

I understand that it gets even better tomorrow...the last day of school for seniors. Tonight they would have illegally painted the senior parking lot with gobs of paint that they hurl at one another. Apparently students historically show up in the same, painted outfit, the next day.

So, they're celebrating their graduation and so am I. The rest of the school still has a month of school to go. I get an additional prep period to work on grades and lesson plans. MUCH NEEDED TIME.

But will I miss the seniors and their antics. You bet.


BriteLady said...

I think our high school was a little too conservative for anything that outlandish during school hours. I remember going to a brunch at that same banquet hall in Clayton where we'd had our Junior year prom. And a trip to a park that might have been the same day as the graduation rehearsal. Didn't we go splashing through a river?

Boy, getting done with classes almost a month before the rest of the school...that must be nice. Is that to line up with colleges' summer class schedules or what?

Bethany said...

I think it's because they infect the rest of the school with senioritis. And, they really promote the whole graduation thing. Friday I walked into the school and they had bubble wrapped the floors along the junior wing. I think the administration encourages excitement over graduation.

In fact, here's the letter from the principal about the last day:
As seniors in past years have been in and out of classes on this last day- either to the annual senior slide show, or last year to their beach hall, please don't expect seniors to be in class regularly or at all today-

Presently, to contain them and keep bring them in from the back parking lot, they are in the courtyard, where they may remain as long as it is not too noisy or disruptive-

And yes, we did splash through a river. Mound State Park I believe. But I think they banned us from senior skip day. I don't remember a brunch though.