Well, out with the old, in with the new.
I found out about a farm that has educational programs that was hiring for various positions when I did an online search for raw milk last month. I sent out a letter of interest and didn't expect to get a response....
But I got a response! And they want me to work with them! I'll find out more about hours and pay tomorrow when we talk, but so far I'm totally excited!
So I quit a week and a half early. Friday's my last day and I'm so happy to be leaving. The office is gearing down anyway so they won't miss me much and I can debate whether or not I want to take two online courses starting in two weeks (I'd ruled it out for the semester because it would be too stressful so close to my last day of work).
In the meantime I bought a ticket to Germany to be there for my mother-in-law's 65th birthday party. It cost about a month's "salary" (the amount I designated from my army-job earnings to divide up per month for the school year) but Gerd tells me the tickets to Peru in October will be on him.
Adding up all of the money we're spending sent me into my own little panic attack/spender's remorse fit that resulted in our getting pre-qualified for a mortgage.
Our finances are going to have to change soon. We're not going under, but we're not saving either. So out with the old job, in with the new budget. We may not buy a house (the place we rent now is fantabulous and we don't want to move away from it) but we'll be looking at new options.
Life's getting a little dry cleaning right now and it'll be interesting to see what comes out.
The farm sounds interesting. What kind of work would you be doing (or is that part of the discussion).
And why raw milk? Just curious. I'm all for fresh and organic and all, but I also like the word "pasteurized" on my milk (and eggs, when the grocery store carries them)--peace of mind when you're feeding little tummies (and for the eggs, when you're letting little people eat raw cookie dough, a pleasure I'd rather not deny them...).
Finance makeovers are good to do occasionally. We went through a bunch of stuff this spring, refinanced the house, bought a car (not all changes lowered expenses...), changed out some outdated bills (better phone service for less $...). Like cleanign out your closet, it made the checkbook look nice and tidy, for a few months at least.
Sorry, just saw this comment.
On the farm I work with students studying both the food cycle and nutrition. My hope is that I can get more involved and introduce some historical connections as well. This farm has been in operation since 1651.
Raw milk is considered "dangerous" because it's unpasteurized. The thing is, people have been drinking unpasteurized milk for centuries and only since our insistence on meddling with what cows eat and how they live has this become a truly big problem.
Raw milk must come fresh, and you can make butter from raw cream or cheese from raw milk. The taste is supposed to be incredible and better.
I tried the raw goat milk and I have to say it tasted exactly like cow whole milk. I've had pasteurized goat milk before and that was a whole different taste.
I wouldn't recommend raw anything from any unknown source. But raw milk is supposed to be better for you because it maintains more enzymes and other healthy stuff. If you know that the cows are grass fed it's worth it.
Here are a few websites that help:
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