So we just put an offer on a house. We're excited, but it is also sort of a reality check too.
First, we're actually buying a house without a garage, or parking for that matter. We have to rent a parking spot across the street. And it's just one spot. Not a lot of parking on the street, so this is me really going carless.
And it's me going carless a mile from a T station. There are buses, one that goes to the T, another two that go downtown, and one that goes to the retail strip with Target/Home Depot/Old Navy, etc.
The price is more than I had hoped we would spend, but it's a realistic price. With a realistic price will have to come a realistic lifestyle. While we won't be giving up our local foods it will be harder to get to them. Getting to the farm will also be more difficult. If we could find an additional parking spot for sale life would be easier, but also more expensive.
Traveling for the holidays is looking pretty grim for my husband. He's used to going home for Christmas and New Years. Although we'd already planned on Christmas in the States, he'd really been looking forward to New Years overseas. Tickets are already nearing the $1000 mark. While he can get his ticket free from work (nice travel budget perk worked into his contract) my ticket is on us. I keep saying we need to plan ahead.
Planning is not my husband's forte. This may mean more solo trips by Gerd to the continent while I stay home. I told him that he should go along for New Years and he said he didn't want to go without me. That's sweet and also super nice considering how much I hate New Years with all the fireworks. We have somewhat of a tradition, he plays the guitar for me and tries to distract me from all the noise. Anyway, getting off topic.
I don't think we could find a cheaper house that's still in the city. So, we'll be going from feeling pretty affluent to feeling pretty average. But I think that can be a good thing. The adventure in Boston is about to turn into the life in Boston. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
Congrats on the house! Well, on the offer. I know there's a lot of stuff that happens before you actually get to move.
Even feeling poor financially, its nice to feel grounded somewhere :)
I will say that I'm glad I don't live in a truly big city. Buy a parking spot? Wow. I never really thought that people sold those. (rent, yes).
Well, we'll rent the parking spot. They do sell parking spots. One parking spot made national news when it sold for, really, $200,000. Of course it was right off of the Boston Commons next to all the multi-million dollar houses in Beacon Hill, but still.
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