Friday, April 16, 2010

Local Velveeta

I'm not sure if it's a cardinal sin or not, but last night I covered the contents of our local veggie box with Velveeta cheese.

So much for the benefit of organic vegetables right? I mean, what the heck is in that stuff anyway?

But I'm pretty happy that we were eating vegetables. Seriously, we don't eat enough vegetables. Plus, it can't be any worse than some of the stuff you buy out right? Right?

Ah well, the Velveeta was added to make my husband happy. I made a quick run to the corner shop to buy some pork chops (also probably not local or organic) because my husband actually ANSWERED when I asked him what he wanted for dinner. When asked that question, usually I get a "whatever," which is his equivalent for my typical response of "food".

So I'm standing in line and I realize that we need to eat our month old cauliflower before it molts or whatever cauliflower does, and I see the Velveeta. Gerd's favorite vegetable is cauliflower...cauliflower covered in cheese. And if you know Gerd that makes complete sense because cheese is one of his favorite things in this world. I personally don't think cauliflower has much taste, which also helps me understand why my husband prefers it to other greener, tastier veggies. All there is to taste is cheese.

In any case, Gerd's mom makes baked cauliflower that's covered in some cheese I still haven't gotten the name of. I'm sure it's not sold at the local corner shop.

So I made a vegetable melody or medley, or whatever you call clearing out your veggie drawer and topped it off with processed cheese.

And then I made mashed potatoes, because we probably have enough potatoes to last us till winter (and we're guaranteed to get more in our boxes before then). And I snuck some more cauliflower into the potatoes, so I'm now down to half a head of cauliflower.

No telling what the plan is for tonight. I still have parsnips (they taste NOTHING like carrots) beets (yuck) potatoes, mushrooms, turnips, onions, and half a head of old cauliflower.


BriteLady said...

That doesn't sound so bad. I've figured out that covering veggies with some paremsan cheese and black pepper makes them taste a lot like alfredo sauce, if you like that (but i think alfredo sauce is pretty much parmesan, milk or cream, and black pepper anyway).

The rest of your leftover veggies sound like beef stew fixings to me. I usually like carrots and celery in there too, and bell peppers (but I can add red/yellow peppers to anything happily). But root veggies pretty much scream stew or roast to me (and in my crockpot, a roast is just like stew with bigger meat...) :)


Bethany said...

I'll have to try the parmesan cheese on veggies someday soon...we've got about 2 bottles of it due to a misunderstanding about size. I've mentioned my husband is used to metric measures, right? Ah well, I'm pretty sure parmesan lasts forever.

And while we still have some root veggies left, the next big dinner I made was scrambled eggs and home fries. Perhaps a stew is next. I don't eat beef, but I'm sure a pork roast would work well with the same veggies. Since tomorrow is Patriots Day and I've got the day off, it's probably a perfect day to throw something in the crockpot while I go out to the garden and set up my raised bed. Thank goodness Boston has extra holidays :)