So although I've been looking forward to my Fedco order, I'm not exactly ecstatic that everything came this weekend. We were expecting it NEXT weekend. The weekend that my parents could actually come and bring the rototiller. The weekend after Gerd's office move. The weekend after we finished the bathroom....

Nope. They're here now, like a premature baby. I've got Reliance Seedless Grapes, Polana Raspberries, Western Sandcherry bushes, and Lowbush Blueberry bushes. I was pretty sure there was more on the way, but I'm wondering if I removed the cherries (Sandcherries are supposed to be more like plums). Hmm.
I've not had a lot of luck with dry root plants, so we'll see how it goes. The order was expensive enough that I really need to get it right this time. I'm not sure I will though, the guide tells me that I should avoid planting fruit trees in south facing yards, but that's all I've got. I'm also running into problems with the Ph level of the soil. My new blueberries (thankfully NOT dry root) are supposed to have soil that's a Ph of no higher than 5.6. Mine is around 7.0ish. At least the best I can tell from my novice chemistry kit. I'm really wishing I'd learned more science in high school and college.

So upon my step-father's instructions we're soaking the plants for tomorrow's planting. I figure if I can get up early enough I can get to the garden center and buy supplies (including soil amendments to lower Ph level), come home and plant everything before noon....ha. I'm leaning toward pushing off the furniture retrieval mission until Sunday so that all the house stuff is done first. That should cut down on the mess before bringing new stuff into a construction dust house, right?

Good luck with the plants :) One of these days I would love to see your garden. It sounds like a wonderful place with all the things that you've been planting.
We planted several of our trees (fruit trees and some ornamentals) from bare-root. More than half have survived :) (One pair died, not by forces of nature, but by forces of trick-or-treaters who stepped on the poor things while cutting through our yard).
I've tried planting grapes several times in different spots in our yard and have killed them all. We do have a pair of raspberry bushes out on the hill that feed the birds nicely in the summer (they like their berries less ripe than I do, alas). And I have a blueberry bush that does quite nicely in a bed of rosebushes. It also typically feeds the birds.
Thanks, so far so good. I'm not sure if we'll get any fruit this year, but I'm hoping! My garden is slowly...slowly, taking shape this year. I would love some extra time off just to put it all together, but I don't think that's going to happen. Are the dry root plants the ones that haven't produced fruit? As for the birds, my parents have a cherry tree that they put a net over to stop the birds...only to discover that squirrels like cherries too, and can crawl under the nets!
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