Thursday, April 21, 2011

Over Before You Know It

Well, I was expecting a negative pregnancy test. I thought the answer was going to be simple, I either was, or was not pregnant, right? Wrong.

Apparently you *can* be "sort of" pregnant. I got a call saying that my hCG levels were only at 20, rather than the expected 200 mLU. The physicians assistant told me that there were three options.

1) Implantation had been delayed and everything would be fine
2) I was in the process of a miscarriage
3) I had an ectopic pregnancy (that would result in miscarriage)

Of course I was hoping for the first option, but by the evening it became clear that I wouldn't be keeping this one. Not great news.

Years ago no one would have known I was even pregnant, so I'm trying to look at it that way. I don't know if I'd rather it hadn't worked at all or not. On one hand, it worked! On the other hand, if it wasn't viable, why not? Will any further attempts be viable? But if it hadn't worked I'd have wondered if it would ever work.

So I'm bitterly disappointed and debating future options. We'd planned on doing at least one more IVF cycle if this one didn't work, but were looking into insurance programs. The insurance issue deserves a post of its own, so I won't get into that nightmare now. The cost for one cycle, that we'd have to pay on our own, adds up to $17,000. If we want genetic testing to make sure the embryos are viable, that costs an additional $3000. So the question isn't just CAN I get pregnant, it's also can I AFFORD to get pregnant?

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