Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I probably wouldn't have thought of lent on time if I hadn't read Kristi's post about it, but I would have thought, down the road, that I missed it. So...I've decided to attempt (no restrictions, just movement towards a goal) to get up early every morning (when you don't have a job it's very tempting to sleep in) and spend some time in meditation. I managed to get up around 6 this morning and spent about 20 minutes sitting in our spare room looking at the city. It's a beautiful way to start the day. I am also planning on reducing my time on the internet. While I would like to say I'd give it up entirely I do actually need the web for job searches, paying bills, etc. I do however tend to get carried away. So no more random surfing.

Well, off to go volunteer. For not being employed it's a busy day. 10-11:30 volunteer at Rosies. 1:00-3:00 Job Fair in Lowell. 5:30-6:30 Dr. appointment. 7:15-9:00 Choir practice.

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