Friday, February 20, 2009

No, I don't have a life

Today I was going to clean the house. Yep, was, as in past tense, didn't do.

Instead I spent the day catching up on the news, watching Grey's Anatomy (I like it better online, the commercials are shorter) and doing my crossword puzzle. Random web searches continued. Forget sugar, I'm addicted to the internet. Seriously, I should put an egg timer by my side and limit myself. In my defense, I did at least get on the exercise bike while watching Grey's.

But somehow I managed to get pulled into the Bachelor again. Can I just say I think the show is a terrible idea. One guy dates several women who compete for his affection. All the time he's dating several girls at the same time he's supposed to find his one true love. Right. Um, not really the way things work. Apparently there's some upcoming drama that is all over the web about broken proposals and paid off bachelorettes. No surprise really.

I propose an alternative.

How about a reality show where a matchmaker pairs a dozen couples with the best chance of making a real, life long connection. Throughout the series the couples go through different dates and games designed to learn more about one another. If they don't feel a good chance at love near the end of the season, they leave. If they do feel realistically attracted they don't get engaged! Like 6 weeks is enough time to decide if you're ready to get married. Instead they leave the show in love and try to work things out together. After a period not filming they come back, say in a year or 6 months to report how things are going. If things are going well they get engaged, if not they go their separate way.

Love should not be a competitive sport. Why do people have to get voted off the island? If producers really want competition in my scenario partners could compete for different date locations or prizes as they reveal that they know and understand each other.

Think anybody would produce my show? If they did, it'd be a whole lot better than The Bachelor.

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