Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a day..

I knew that yesterday was going to be tough, but I didn't quite know how bad it was going to be.

It all started with tutoring at Rosies. My tutee is from Somalia and wants to work on her writing skills, but she was recently fired, so all she can think about right now is how to get a job or get on unemployment or get her last paycheck from her previous employer. I don't blame her, but I can't exactly help her. I can help her write, but as we were getting ready to leave she asked me to help her figure out what to write on an had the question "reason you left" and she couldn't figure out what to write. While I gave her a few options, she was never satisfied with my answers, or with my suggestion to talk with the career adviser, and before long it was a half hour after I'd planned on leaving.

That left only one hour to print off my resumés, eat, change, and find my zipcar to leave for the Teacher's job fair in Lowell (which is an hour away). I stumbled out the door a little after the hour and went to my zipcar location. This was a different place than usual because I wanted to make sure I could take a car that didn't have any reservations after my own in case I returned late.

I found it at once, which should have told me something was wrong. I got about halfway to Lowell before I decided to change radio stations. When I did, I noticed that the radio was a Toyota model, except I was supposed to be in a Nissan Vesta. Humm. So I dug around for my phone and saw that zipcar had called. I called them back and let them know I realized my mistake, but that I couldn't bring the car back right away. They were very nice and switched the reservations. I should have asked when the car needed to be returned.

The job fair itself went alright I guess. There were tons of people there. Everyone had to leave their resumés at the door and I would have to guess that there were at least 100 resumés for humanities positions. I was headed out the door when I had a chance to meet with one last school district that was hiring for a history position. I think I blew it, but who knows. It was worth the shot.

When I got to where my car should be, or I though it should be, it wasn't there. The car garage had at least four entrances and I'd parked near the only entrance below ground level. Twenty minutes of wandering through the garage and I realized I was definately running late. I still could have made it back on time if I hadn't gotten lost in Lowell. Lowell and I have a history of confusion. Not only are the majority of streets one way, they don't run on a grid system so you never really know what direction you'll be going in next if you take a wrong turn...which I did.

Another 20 minutes, a frantic call to Gerd who is my direction guru, and I decided to call zipcar to extend my reservation. Turns out I can't extend my reservation, someone has reserved the car I'm in at exactly the time I should be returning with it. I ask if they can take the car I was supposed to be in. The person with whom I switched already extended their reservation. I'm stuck with at least a $50 late fee.

While traffic into Boston isn't as bad as it could be (30 minutes means the difference between pre-rush hour traffic and rush hour traffic) I still only managed to get to the zipcar location at 5:25. I had my first counselling session scheduled for 5:30, which is about a 2o minute walk away or a short cab ride. Too bad I couldn't find a cab. Finally I caught one after walking about 10 minutes, and only managed to get to the office at 6:00. While she cut us off in time for her next appointment at 6:30, taking my insurance information down made her run behind by 15 minutes, so I threw off the next person's time too.

I left the office at 6:45 and choir starts at 7:15, which is exactly 24 minutes by train. The train is about 5 minutes away. I get to the train as it's taking off. I have to wait about 5 minutes for the next one, which feels like eternity. Finally I manage to walk into choir about 10 minutes late and they're just warming up. Woo Hoo! As I try to sneak into the back row I have to pass one person who is standing in front of the isle seat. She knocks over the drum set behind her trying to let me get by.

Now, I haven't eaten more than a bowl of soup since lunch, so around 8:30 I decide to call it a night. Choir goes to 9:15 but I decide I'm too tired to continue. I did manage to leave without knocking over the drums again though. I don't even bother to take the train home. It's 45 minutes by train and 20 minutes by taxi...if your taxi driver speaks English and knows where you're going. 30 minutes later I finally get home. and collapse. and then eat.

Wouldn't you think being unemployed would mean I wouldn't be busy?! Hah. What a day.

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