Okay, so I've been trying to cut down on internet/phone time, and since that date I think I've increased my online time instead. BUT...somehow by trying to avoid technology I have been getting other stuff done. Today after work I managed to move a raised bed, go to Home Depot (again), cook dinner, and write a long letter to Stammtisch about upcoming event ideas (without spending hours distracted surfing the web). All in all, a pretty productive day!

The highlight of the day was definitely working in the garden. It's so nice to be able to go outside and not see snow! While outside I discovered some spring surprises. First, I discovered that a plant I assumed was dead last winter actually grew despite the snow. I have a neglected Brussels Sprouts plant! Okay, I don't anymore because it looked like it was done in, but it DID have a handful of harvestable sprouts!!! YUM!!!

Grandpa's garlic is starting to pop through the soil so I spent a little time fending off the grass. Since carrots were in the same bed I came up with a few leftovers. Last week I found bigger examples, but we ate them before pictures were taken (they were crisp and wonderful!).

Of course the hunt for live plants was on from there. I discovered the Rhubarb was starting to sprout, and one leftover scallion is growing. In one of the pots I discovered some kind of bulb growing, but I have no idea what kind of plant it is, or even if it's edible or not. One of the flowers in my decorative section is starting to show a little color, but I also don't know what it is!

Those are nice surprises :)
I got most of our veggie bed cleared last monday when the weather was actually nice. There are a few strawberries going at one end and a strip of onions on the other end (which were intended to be pulled when green, but they are a bit past that point now...I wonder how they'll cook up or if they're not good anymore).
We also started a bunch of seeds in peat pots in the kitchen. But the temperature dropped and we got snow before we got some of the early seeds planted (lettuce, snow peas, and something else that I'm forgetting). Will have to do that this week so that the lettuce gets a chance to grow before it gets too hot ("spring" temperatures here last about 3 days between the snow and the mid-80's most years).
I didn't start seeds this year. It's been crazy enough without it, but I'm wishing I'd at least started a few things. Ah well, next year I hope.
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