Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Enjoyable Distraction

I've spent the last, who knows long, trying to get my life a little greener.  I'm trying to grow more of my own food (with mixed results) and buy more food locally through the farmer's market, or through my biweekly organic box.  We've also, thankfully, had a new shop come in around the corner that sells local organic meets and staples.

But none of that talks about clothes.

I wouldn't say I'm the most fashionable person, but I would admit to liking clothes.  When shopping, I've long since given up on finding anything make in the states.  On a semi-recent shopping trip to Marshalls and Macy's I bought a whole bunch of new underthings, and overthings.  It's not that I love shopping...but I do love getting new clothes.

Which is why I felt a little gauche this past weekend in New York City.  Most of the people attending the birthday party we went to were pretty average people, for people who make a lot more money than we do (or at least than I do anyway).  They all talked about their purchases at this store, or that shop.  I tried not to drool.  A few of the party attendees were not your typical people.  They were into Mode, not fashion.  They had purses worth more than my entire wardrobe, and shoes that had names of designers.  I tried not to drool any more.

I walked away thinking out how much I would like some designer clothes, who I could budget some items in (like that amazing little coat, or a nice handbag, or a pair of designer shoes).  The whole experience in NYC was like a great movie filled with effective commercials.

I'm back, and I'm still trying not to think about clothes.  It's pretty interesting how I can try to justify spending money on a fancy outfit (maybe the expensive stuff is local?).  But in the end, I know that my priorities are pretty good.  I'd rather either invest the money, or give the money to charity before spending it on something that will fade out of "mode" in a year.  But I have to admit, a little piece of me wouldn't mind that lifestyle.  At least the whole thing was an enjoyable distraction (and maybe next month I will go shopping...for a few small things).  Ah well, you can see my little inner demons come out, lets see which priority wins.


BriteLady said...

If there are things that you love that you can afford, buy them :)

I love fancy clothes, too, and I balk at buying them, too. Mainly because I have nowhere to wear them. Most fashionable clothes are completely out of place at my day job (when you work with mostly men, either they don't appreciate nice girly clothes or you really don't want them to). And weekends are more about soccer games and buying groceries than anything else.

I get to dress up (and dress up like a girl, not a corporate drone) for my monthly writers group meetings. And the kids school has a fancy dinner auction every year, which gives me an excuse to wear a cocktail dress.

But I bet dressing up in St. Louis is nothing compared to a bunch of fashionistas in NYC :)

Bethany said...

Oh don't worry, I buy stuff all the time. I am the cause of all of our budget troubles. Before Gerd met me he saved gazillions of dollars each month because he never bought anything. Like anything. He owned 2 chairs, and bed, and a dining room table when I met him. We have a pretty full 4 bedroom house now. So full I'm already thinking of how to downsize. Which is why I really shouldn't buy any more clothes. At least not yet. I need to at least figure out how to save a portion of a gazillion dollars. But it was nice to dream about designer shoes for a while. Where in the world would I wear them anyway? It's not like I frequently get to play fashonista in NYC. But it was an interesting peek through the keyhole.