Saturday, January 11, 2014

Already gone.

I keep looking at houses.

Recently i found a house that, assuming it was in good in person as it was online, I would have been willing to sell our house for and move now. Despite knowing that we are going to move somewhere, sometime, we are not looking forward to the actual getting the house ready, listing it, packing, etc. especially in winter. 

It sold before we could look at it. I'm equal parts sad and relieved. 

I did learn a thing or two in this recent search. I thought I wanted to find a house that would cost less, make us more financially secure. Well, who wouldn't, right? But it's not possible if I want to live somewhere a good long time. We looked at one house that was small, cute, and totally possible. Then we looked at a house just barely out of our price range. In a few years, it probably would be a good deal for us, compared to private schools, but not now with a part time nanny and the upcoming cost of preschool. But it, along with the unseen house, is actually where I want to live. 

If we get in a position that we must move quickly, the less expensive house would do. But really, I can't see giving up the space we have and the ability to walk everywhere, for something kind of blah. 

So while I'm probably not going to be done looking at houses anytime soon, I realize that I'm only looking for a miracle right now. The house that would be worth it. And when I find it, there better be a garage is all I'm saying. A garage and a large laundry room, and a room for my own office. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Working Again

I'm really so glad to be working again. It's wonderful to have something outside of the home to engage in. It is, however, hard work getting my brain to function again. I guess two years has been quite enough time to remove any muscle memory. I make up for a trained brain by spending much more time writing lesson plans than I ever have before. It's going well though. I didn't think I wanted to teach again, but I'm enjoying having students again. I love ESOL. My students really want to learn, and are quite forgiving if I mess anything up. Not that I would ever make a mistake. Teaching English... Otherwise the twins are growing like weeds. Not really talking yet, which has our doctor a little concerned. We aren't freaked out yet. We are surviving winter without a driveway. I still want to move, and we are narrowing neighborhoods down for our potential move in a year or two. Even if I get a full time job, it's unlikely that we can afford private school tuitions and afford to save up for college tuition. The local Catholic schools are very affordable, but they've just adopted a new curriculum from Pearson Education that I am diametrically opposed to. Unless our views change, we are likely to end up in Milton, which has a French Immersion program that sounds interesting. At least it's something to look forward to if we are a) in the suburbs and b) in public schools (it's one of two in the state, with only a handful of programs like it in the country). Well, time to go make dinner. I escaped for a few minutes to unwind, but duty does call. Love my kids, but I am WORN OUT. Part time work is like the Army reserve. Part time really is more like full time responsibility, and kids are full time, so it's like two full time jobs.