Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kid Free Weekend

We sent the children for a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa to catch up on things and relax. September has been brutal, and I really needed a little space to be able to think again. The experience of living without our kids is pretty surreal. I think I'll have to do it again sometime, because it really reminds me of how much easier life is without kids. Don't get me wrong, I'll take my kids over easy any day, but it's true. I find that I'm forgiving myself for all the things I DON'T do on a regular basis with kids. In one weekend, we managed to relax, AND get stuff done around the house. With kids, it's pretty much either or. The biggest difference is that I'm completely wiped out in the evenings with kids around. We managed to put a puzzle together, make dinner, watch a movie, chat with a friend, and I wasn't falling asleep. Today I tackled our bedroom. For the first time in I don't know how long, our bedroom is not just put away, but clean. I knew, and I think everyone does know, that kids take a lot of energy. I just didn't realize how much. So I'm going to be a little lighter on myself. I simply don't have the energy to do what we did this weekend with kids around. And that's okay. I miss my kids (they've been gone two nights). I LIKE spending my energy on my kids.

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