Monday, August 23, 2010


I've pretty much been awake all night because some idiot decided that 1:30am was a great time to set off firecrackers in the middle of the street. I, of course, work up immediately and could not, COULD NOT get back to sleep. I finally came downstairs to surf the web, hoping to dull my mind enough that I could fall asleep again. Nothing new out there really, so I got to thinking about the news.

I recently bought a local "newspaper" (using the term very loosely here as you'll see) at our local bakery. I've bought it once before and noticed that it was pretty conservative, but I liked that it was put together by local writers, no associated press here. I don't think I'll be bothering with the $.50 in the future, not after some of their recent articles. The paper in question is called South Boston Tribune, and they have a website here that doesn't appear to be updated.

The front page was actually pretty good, they've got articles that are important to the local community and an "Around Town" column that shows all the local happenings in Southie. The problem starts on page 3. In a box call "The Information Center" John Ciccone titles his article TEA Party to Meet Sunday at Castle Island/Tax Break, Bay State 2-NH 365. The title itself is a bit confusing, but it just reflects the unfocused conservative rant that flows out after it. Seriously, my 8th graders in New Mexico could have done a better job. Ciccone column alternates between a condemnation of taxes, a condemnation of vandalism of the Korean War Memorial in Southie, a Condemnation of Obama, and an invitation to a Tea party meeting on Sunday. Sort of says something about the man and the movement really. Unfocused, vague, and without any solutions offered.

Here are some quotes on taxes:

"Anytime there's a day or two free of taxes it a good thing"

"Even as their Governor, John Lynch [NH] taunts Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to "go ahead, keep those taxes coming". Because Governor Lynch knows that the more Patrick raises taxes here, the more Massachusetts residents will travel to his state to shop and the more Massachusetts businesses will relocate north as well."

"If voters continue to reelect the same people who ignore the wishes of the people and treat us like mere subjects and serfs rather than citizens living in a democracy, they'll just continue to treat us any way that suites their agendas."

And on Obama:

"I'm sure it comes as no surprise to readers of this column that Barack Hussein Obama, going against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Americans like he does on every other issue, has come down in favor of building the Mosque at "Ground Zero" in New York City...This of course proves once again that Obama and his Regime are completely out of touch with the American People and most likely enjoy being so just fine."

But none of this is NOTHING compared to page 11 and an article entitled, I kid you not, "Show the Truth - Abortion is Satanic". That this is the title of an article in a "newspaper" is shocking enough. That it's not labeled OpEd, Letters to the Editor, or anything demonstrating that this is not necessarily the view of the "newspaper" is unforgivable. Then again, considering some of the grammar used throughout other articles, I'm not sure about the ability of the "editor" anyway.

Now, to be clear, I don't really care what your take on abortion is. You don't have to agree or disagree with it to think that this article doesn't belong in the news. I'm not particularly pro-abortion here and have considered myself personally "pro-life" my entire life. My view on government control on morality is a topic for another day.

But read these snippets and see what I'm talking about:

"The abortion industry is a profit-driven raw killing machine...the spiritual dimension of this grisly business, however, is systematizing of ritual blood sacrifice to the god of child murder who, in the Old Testament, is called Molloch." (I have a love of ... but this one came in the article, I have not edited the sentence at all.)

Fr Euteneuer points out that "For example, extreme feminist Ginette Paris described abortion 'as a sacrifice to Artemis' in her 1992 book The Sacrament of Abortion."... (that one's mine) Those of us who have been engaged in this truly holy work of carrying the Gospel of Life to our society know that we are not fighting against flesh and blood in the pro-life vs pro-abortion arena. We are contending against 'principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness'"

Now, I can accept conservative views. Half of my family is traditionally conservative and I find that we can logically discuss our different stances on major issues without blood (most of the time;) It helps that I'm a veteran and a teacher. I can often agree with the ideology of both sides of most issues. I'd like to think that I haven't necessarily become more "liberal" I've become more educated about issues and I want to see educated responses to the issues at hand.

Give me an answer to a problem that doesn't increase government spending, build more bureaucracy, give more power to corporations, and leads to peaceful domestic and international relations, increased equality in the U.S., and I'm totally in. Don't give me talking points or generalizations, give me real news if you're a newspaper. People need real news articles to think on issues and find a way forward. If the news is the "fourth branch of government" as was implied by Madison after writing the constitution, it's no wonder we've got problems with government.

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