Tuesday, September 22, 2009

an Iphone named Modern Morse

I already love my iphone. LOVE my iphone.

Here are the first few apps I downloaded:

Pandora (free internet streaming radio, choose an artist and the station finds songs/artists similar to your interests)

Urbanspoon (finds restaurants near you and gives prices, menus, and reviews)

Skype (free internet calling, low cost VOIP)

Kindle (read books on your iPhone, a search for free books revealed a bunch of options and I bought a few inexpensive books as well)

Other apps include: Crossword puzzles, Wifi finder, iTreadmill, MBTA schedules, BigOven (cookbook) NPR news, Birthdays, Solitaire, Flashlight, Universal Translator, BBC Reader, Dream Dictionary, Lonely Planet, NY Times, Guitar Tuner, and Facebook.

Most of my apps have been free although a few have cost $.99 to $2.99. There are a few apps I'd like to add, but I figure I'll add them as needed. One, a cyclometer, is actually pretty expensive ($9.99) and I'd like to see if it would be useful before shelling out the money.

I knew I'd use the apps, but my biggest surprise has been the Kindle app. I don't generally like reading online, but having a book on my phone has been fabulous. On the subway I can read a book without carrying anything extra along. I've read a few romances and now I've started downloading mysteries. I might buy a few books I've been waiting to read, but I'm not sure how much I'd like to spend on a book I will only use while coming and going.

On the other hand I haven't really used many of my apps. I haven't read NPR or BBC because I've been downloading podcasts of my favorite shows. I also haven't used the cookbook because I usually look up recipes at home before I cook or go grocery shopping. Maybe that will change when I go to the store next time? And the Birthday App is redundant because my iCalendar syncs with my iPhone so I can set up notifications without needing an app.

All in all, so glad I've got this phone, wish I'd bought one earlier.


BriteLady said...

I'm terribly jealous :) I've been drooling over all the fancy phones for a while, but just can't justify buying one. My sister Ally has had an iPhone for a couple of years now, and I'm totally envious. I play with it every time we visit (I love the built-in GPS...).

Alas, I work in a place where a phone must remain outside the office powered off during the day. And if it has an embedded camera (like there are many that don't anymore), it can't come in the building at all. So I'd be paying through the nose for internet and texting services for the benefit of my parked car.

Part of me really hopes that my 5-year old phone (no camera, no bluetooth, no nada) will just up and die. But, with the rate that I (don't) use it, I'll be calling Charlotte's high school before I have to replace the thing....

Agnieszka said...

Apple should pay you for the advertising!!! :-) I've been thinking about getting an IPhone too it's just its cost kinda scares me off. After reading your post though I may actually overcome the high cost fears :)