Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I don't know where to begin. It's hard to cram so many activities and emotions in just a few days, let alone one blog post, but everything seems to need to come out.

Saturday was a productive day, which is pretty rare. I usually feel like collapsing and it takes until noon to get anything done. Once again my potatoes are knotwood free, my garden is weeded, and I sang at a funeral for a church member (I didn't know her, but based on her speakers, I wished I had). But all of this was before lunch! I even managed to rescue my sourdough starter before it puttered out.

We went for our first sailing lesson Saturday afternoon, and thought it was going to be a one hour class. We were there for 4 hours practicing rigging a dingy and hanging out with other people we met at the club. I think I'm going to like sailing, which is a HUGE surprise for me. I figured I'd be terrified on the water, and while I still might be (we didn't actually go sailing) I think I'm going to have fun instead.

Sunday became a fiasco. We went to pick up my new Mini and I was SO excited. It's SO CUTE. If it would run. Just as we were about to leave the car salesman/mechanic warns us that the locks need to be keyed. Uh. We live in Boston, without a garage. This is not a car that blends in. At the last minute we decided to go drop it off at Mom's house for the time being until the locks could be fixed.

Unfortunately for us, the car began to die along the way. First it stuttered like there's dirt in the fuel line, then it died when at a stop sign. Finally it started making a squealing noise as we made a left turn. It's in the shop now getting a diagnosis.

So we left to go get the car around 2:30 on Sunday, picked up the car (and bought some of his meat) and left around 6. We should have gotten to Mom's house by 8, but it took about 4 hours to get to GF. Missing work wasn't an option, so we woke up at 4:00 to drive home.

Monday I found out that the two employees that got laid of by our "charitable" organization didn't receive any form of severance package. They've worked here for 30 years, and while I might have wished they'd retire (they weren't the best employees in the world), I'm a little stunned that they've been given 2 weeks notice with no incentive for early retirement or relocation within the Boston branch. I mean, this is not a small organization we work for, but apparently there isn't a "bumping" system in place to protect the older workers. They're on their own, even if they were only 3 years away from retirement. Still, I'm grateful to have a job.

So I'd like to have some common thread between the past few days, but if there is one I don't see it. Perhaps if anything I could say that life if a crazy, exciting, sometimes disappointing, but overall worthwhile cause.

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