Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My e-Library

I have discovered my library. True, I've been to my library before, it's really almost around the corner. BUT, I've discovered the online bells and whistles my library offers.

For instance...

I can create a list of books that I want to read and select books I want them to hold for me. When I select a book it tells me what place I am in order of requesters so I know if I'll be getting my book sooner or later. When my book is ready to be picked up I'll get an e-mail telling me to come down to my local library. I'm number 1 for Cooking for Mr. Latte but number 54 for Julie and Julia.

But after searching my account online I also found out that I can rent eBooks. This would not have interested me before, but with the iPhone I began using Kindle and found out that I like it I like it a lot. On the subway I don't have to bring anything along to read, I can just pull out my phone and read.

I'm not quite how this library function works for me yet, but I'm pretty sure there's a way to make this happen. The library site even has the downloadable audio book section divided into ipod, epub, and MP3. Some copies even have permission to burn to CD.

It's like a whole new world!


Holy Cow, have you heard of Stanza before? I have just opened my iPhone to a whole bunch of new books....

Project Gutenberg (very serious stuff)

Baen Free Library (Primarily Sci-Fi)

Free e-Books (This requires a bunch of browsing)

Romance Books (these you have to pay for, but costs are very low)

Fiction Wise (these also cost some money, but they appear to be relatively inexpensive)

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