Monday, April 5, 2010

Amazing Sun

I'm a sun kind of girl.

I grew up in the desert catching horny toads among saguaro cactus. In summer I was outdoors (albeit with a lot of sunscreen on) every day for most of the day. Sure, we had rain once in a while, and I had my share of TV watching time, but I think I spent a great deal of time playing in the sun.

And the sun makes a HUGE difference to me.

Today I missed two buses and I didn't care. As I was walking to the bus stop I saw it drive away. No problem, it's a beautiful day. I walked down to the bay and walked up to the next block to catch the next bus. I watched as it drove away. No problem. It's sunny and warm. I don't mind standing in the sun. Now a week ago when it was raining every day? Missing a bus was a crisis. Not today.

Now if only I could find my sunglasses.

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