Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Little Things

I'm not saying my husband is perfect. His feet, for instance, were particularly smelly today. And he could use a hair cut, drinks more milk than is normal, and don't get me started on his hording tendencies.

But all in all, he's pretty wonderful.

We've got a puzzle set up in our bedroom. Since the cats aren't allowed into our room it's really the only safe place. I think we started yesterday, but Gerd worked on it alone today while I took a nap. When I came upstairs earlier I checked to see how much he'd finished.

The puzzle was completely done, but he'd left one last piece for me. He didn't want to finish it without me.

He might not be romantic all the time, or much of a talker for that matter, but he's one of the most thoughtful men I've ever met. And sometimes it only takes one puzzle piece to remind me of how lucky I am.

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