Friday, June 12, 2009

Not going to Grandpas

My grandfather is sick. He already has pulmonary fibrosis which is worse than it should be because he wasn't taking his medicine. My grandmother didn't directly tell him not to take it, but he took her meaning.

Last weekend he nearly died. He's got a chest cold, and without any elasticity in his lungs, he was loosing the ability to breathe. Fortunately the family whisked him off to the hospital and they gave his a strong dose of something that includes steroids, and he appears to be getting better.

My first reaction was to rush off and visit him. I still wish I was there now. But I've been told not to come. My mother called and told me that they're both not up for company. I guess I can understand it, especially with concern that they could pick up another bug (I do work in a school).

But all I want to do is go see my Grandpa.

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