Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

So I caught this cold last weekend right before my SCA weekend. Nasty sinus thing resulting in headaches, drainage, and generally wanting to die. For the first few days I felt mostly fine during the day but last night it all went into superhorribleness.

I'm not sure if my diet is weakening my immune system or if it would have gotten worse anyway. I'm feeling slightly better halfway through the day, but that seems to be the way this thing works. Feel crummy in the morning until my nose drains, okay during the day, and terrible right before bed.

It's been almost a full week now, but one of my friends here told me to expect the post nasal drip for at least 3 weeks. I missed my volunteer day today, but tomorrow I'm supposed to take a group of GED students to see The Rivalry, a (partial) reenactment of the Lincoln Douglas debates at the Old State House and I really don't want to miss it.

Okay, now I'm just winning.


BriteLady said...

sudafed and tylenol (or ibuprofin, whatever works for you). Enough to dull the ache and dry up the drip long enough for the field trip.

And I can't imagine that broth is hurting anything :) Though some people swear by excessive amounts of vitamin c while you're sick.

Bethany said...

I tried ibuprofin and mucinex, which worked the first few days but may have been what also made me worse the night before last. Sudafed (even the non-drowsy kind) puts me to sleep almost immediately :(

I almost broke my diet today while out buying a book. Well, I guess technically I did, but I did as well as I was Starbucks after all. I got a quiche that had some bread in it. I still figure that's better than the brownie I was eying. The goal is no sugar or other things that turn into sugar, but realistically when out, that's almost impossible!