Thursday, February 5, 2009

Some Figures

Okay, so back to the baby-crazed octuplet mother...

Apparently she received $165,000 in DISABILITY over the last 6 years. That means she got hurt so bad she couldn't work...but could have babies which are so much easier on your back.

That breaks down to $27,500 per year.

Now, the sperm donor was a friend, so we're going to calculate that the sperm was free. IVF could possibly cost only $5,000/per cycle with that in mind.

I believe I heard mention that two of her children are twins, so that makes 6 cycles if all of them took.

The press identified a nanny outside of her home. If that nanny worked for her, we have to assume she would earn no less than $1000 a month watching 6 children. Since mom isn't working, that could be too high..perhaps only $500/month for part time work. I think these calculations are low, but it may also be unlikely that she's receiving nanny services.

If you add this all up:

$27,500 a year
$5000 a year in IVF
$6,000 to $12,000 a year in nanny fees
That leave a monthly income of $875 - $1375
Okay, I have to add back in $5000/year because she's done with IVF.

$1,291 to $1,791 per month
To house, feed, and diaper 14 children.

I suppose it can be done. If her parents allow her to live rent free in their house she could do it. I doubt she could otherwise unless someone gave her a house for free. Food alone will take up most of the budget. Diapers, unless she uses washable and uses her parents washing machine will take up a huge chunk.

I'm still mad that she gets to do this in our society. I do not want my tax dollars supporting this woman in any way, and yet I'm guessing it's going to happen at some point. Yes I believe the government should step in and help people who need help. The problem is...where do we draw the line? This woman made choices that creating the problem...but isn't that the case in other circumstances too?

I believe in showing compassion to people regardless of their circumstance, but that doesn't mean I think tax dollars should be a free for all. Perhaps this question is more a statement of my own confusion over political ideology. It's really the same question as national healthcare, prison reform, the educational system, and the bailout. At what point do we hold people responsible for their own actions and at what point should our government intervene to show compassion?

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