Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sugar Daddy

I finally got around to reading Sugar Daddy today. It was pretty much a lazy day and I didn't have anything better to do. I enjoyed the book, it had a nice slow pace and wasn't a typical romance novel. I could imagine that someday they'll make a Hallmark movie out of it.

The day, however, should have been spent more productively. I spent the first half looking for jobs in Denver. Gerd wasn't opposed to Colorado and they have more jobs there than in New Mexico, and my license should be easy to transfer. Boston has tons of IT jobs, but not any teacher jobs. New Mexico has my teacher job, but no IT jobs. Ireland doesn't have any jobs at all...

So I guess a nice book was about as good a way to relieve the stress of a job hunt as any. I've got All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes on my bedside table, but that just seemed too strenuous. So did the exercise bike I just set up. I bought a trainer for $20 with the idea that I could exercise inside during winter since I have nothing better to do.

But I'm back on the diet wagon. I want an ice cream sandwich so bad I can taste it. I try to tell myself that the imaginary taste should be good enough, but somehow it isn't. This really is my fault for not eating all my food today. I just couldn't stomach the thought of unsweetened oatmeal or plain vegetable broth.

So I'm off to bed with a glass of lemon water. Not the same as an ice cream sandwich at all. This sugar addiction is proving hard to beat. I kind of wonder what I'll do after the month is up. I don't want to go back to eating tons of sugar, but I can't possibly stand this diet for the rest of my life. I wonder what an acceptable amount of sugar is, or wheat for that matter.

I think I could give up drinking milk, but not cheese. Ice cream I would have to be able to have once in a while. Homemade ice cream in summer is one of my favorite things to do.

I could never give up bread for any length of time, but could do whole wheats (which I already do anyway). Pasta I could reduce, but not get rid of entirely. I already try to get the whole wheat pasta when I buy it.

Gerd and I don't eat out nearly as often as we used to, but still go out at least one night a week for our German language meetup (Stammtisch) and once a week for Irish dance. It's easier to control foods at home, but restaurants are tricky.

Oh well, I'm going to go kiss my sugar daddy goodnight and go to bed.

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